Veicoli elettrici
DC & AC power management
e-mobility and the supporting infrastructure use emerging technologies that benefit from Mersen’s expertise in DC & AC power management.

DC electrical protection
Mersen offers a complete range of DC over current protection (OCP) solutions based upon incumbent proven technology (DC fuse) enhanced by 2 new disruptive hybrid devices: Xp, based on pyro and clearing elements and Xs, a DC power relay.
Thermal management
Mersen's water and air cooling solutions address thermal management of battery packs and power train converters.
Busbar and monitoring
Mersen brings laminated busbar expertise, possibly with smart monitoring features, to connect battery cells and modules or power inverter components.
Surge Protection
Surge Protection Devices from Mersen offer the ultimate protection for EV charging stations.
Mersen offre una vasta selezione di prodotti e soluzioni per ogni aspetto della sicurezza di bordo o esterna e per la gestione di energia nei veicoli elettrici:
- Fusibili
- Raffreddatori
- Barre d'interconnessione laminate
- Dispositivi di protezione dai picchi di tensione