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Sistema HVDC
Power management solutions
HVDC and FACTS electricity distribution systems require improved flexibility and long distance transmission enabled by Mersen power management solutions.

Electrical protection
Mersen offers a complete range of high-performance ultra fast acting fuses to protect both the IGBT modules as well as the auxiliary circuits in VSC MMC converters.
Thermal management
Mersen water cooling system is used to dissipate the losses of LCC thyristor or VSC IGBT press-pack or flat modules.
Laminated bus bars
Mersen laminated bus bars are a key enabling teshnology to connect IGBT power modules with capacitor banks in VSC MMC converters.
Sistema HVDC per il trasferimento della corrente continua ad alta tensione
Mersen utilizza la tecnologia HVDC per la conversione di energia.
- Conversione di energia: fusibili, raffreddatori, barre d'interconnessione laminate